
2003 BMW Voice Control Manual PDF

General commands Operating help 19 17 Speaking notepad 15 13 Voice control of the car telephone 3 Indicates special equipment, country�specific equipment and optional extras. information. * < Marks the end of a specific item of vehicle. you to care more effectively for your benefit from your vehicle and enable Contains information that will as�sist you in gaining the optimum < the vehicle. personal injury and serious damage to Indicates instructions or precau�tions that must be followed pre�cisely in order to avoid the possibility of < Symbols used 3n < < * call. handset when making a telephone are therefore advised to use the > understood with less accuracy, and Other occupants of the car could be The hands-free microphone is posi�tioned to pick up the driver's voice. while you are issuing voice com�mands > ask your passengers not to speak the car while you are speaking, and Avoid causing background noise in Keep doors, windows and the sun�roof closed to avoid noise interfer�ence from outside the car > > system itself is giving an output Do not speak while the voice control and pauses between words volume, avoiding unnatural emphasis > you are properly understood: few points to observe in making sure ambient noise. There are nevertheless a at the front; this microphone filters out Speak continuously and at normal The voice control system includes a mounted in the roof lining of your car, special hands-free microphone understood Making yourself clearly

BMW Voice Control -‎ Page 1 ... This Supplementary Owner's Manual is intended to familiarize ... tures of your BMW's voice control sys- tem. ..... The user help function is divided into.

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